Qualcomm is set to unveil the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 chip, the latest 5G chip for mid-range devices, at the Snapdragon conference in India. The chip features an 8-core setup with a 4nm manufacturing process, including 2 Cortex-A78 cores and 6 A55 cores. It supports LPDDR4X RAM at 2133MHz, FHD+ displays with 90Hz refresh rates, up to 64MP cameras, and connectivity options like 5G, Wi-Fi 5 (ac), and Bluetooth 5.1. Additionally, it features Qualcomm Audio, noise cancellation, EIS, and music streaming at 96kHz. Expected to power mid-range phones with quality displays and smooth performance, the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 aims to deliver efficient performance at an affordable price point.
عدد المصادر التي تم تحليلها: 3
المصدر الرئيسي : التقنية بلا حدود Sultan Alqahtani
post-id: df640977-2783-41bf-9cf7-17995015dc1b