Realme recently announced the new Realme 13 Pro and Realme 13 Pro Plus smartphones featuring the Hyperimage Plus AI camera technology. These phones boast efficient image processing capabilities with the new AI architecture “Hyperimage Plus” in their cameras. The Realme 13 Pro Plus stands out with a 50MP Sony LYT-701 sensor and a 24mm focal length, along with a Sony LYT-600 telephoto camera supporting up to 3x optical zoom. Both phones sport AMOLED displays, FHD+ resolution, 120Hz refresh rate, and Corning Gorilla Glass 7i protection. Additionally, they pack a Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 processor, 5200mAh battery, and 45W fast charging. The Realme 13 Pro starts at $320 for the 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant, while the Realme 13 Pro Plus costs $394 for the 8GB RAM + 256GB storage model. These phones also offer IP65 water and dust resistance.
عدد المصادر التي تم تحليلها: 2
المصدر الرئيسي : التقنية بلا حدود Sultan Alqahtani
post-id: 15e556d2-7895-4cc8-9d7c-34a32c31ccb5