شبكة الملفات الشخصية التجريبية على انستغرام تُظهر صور مستطيلة بدلاً من مربعة

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Instagram is testing a new layout for user profiles, displaying rectangular images instead of the usual squares. In a recent Instagram story, Adam Mosseri revealed that the app is experimenting with a vertical grid layout for user profiles. Most uploads on Instagram are now vertical, specifically 4×3 images and 9×16 videos. When clicking on the video tab, users will notice the rectangular grid design. The profile layout remains the same, showcasing both images and videos. Instagram is currently testing this with a small group of users, seeking feedback before potentially rolling it out to a wider audience.

عدد المصادر التي تم تحليلها: 2
المصدر الرئيسي : التقنية بلا حدود Sultan Alqahtani
post-id: c4afd734-2e2c-4fdf-8c71-59aa2e547546